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As a kid, our day starts & ends with a tall glass of Milk. With a lot of compulsion and quite a bit of aversion, I used to gobble up the glass of Milk along with my Mother's stare which was a daily routine. There are several anecdotes related to drinking milk when it comes to my brother's part. I grew up to gradually love Milk & dairy products acknowledging the taste and gradually understanding that it is full of Health Benefits. Growing up with Milk & Milk Products as Curd/Yogurt, Butter Milk, Butter, Ghee, etc.,
Not a day goes by without eating any these Dairy Products and being a South Indian, Curd/Yogurt or sometimes Buttermilk is a must-have in our daily diet. We end up our meal with Curd Rice in our household or drink a glass of Neer Mor/Sambharam. A comfort food according to me & my meal is incomplete without Curd Rice. Basically, it helps to lower the body temperature and also soothes our stomach after a spicy & heavy lunch and mainly aids in easy digestion. The Probiotics in the Curd/Buttermilk is good for gut health. Least to mention the number of recipes which calls for Curd/Buttermilk in it. Then comes Butter & Ghee. We use it lavishly in our kitchen which truly enhances the taste, flavour and aroma of any dish it is added into.
I have grown up seeing my Mother & my MIL make all these dairy products at home except Paneer. And when it came to my turn I played it with ease. I loved all the process because nothing is perfect for our family rather than homemade products. Also living in a place where we cannot get hold of good-tasting Ghee and Paneer, my homemade process helped me to get what I wanted in a cheap & best form. And above all these dairy products have no additives and preservatives.
Preparing fresh dairy products at home is a process done in most of the Indian households. As of any Indian homemaker thrift and wise, it is a common scenario to
"Nei Urukki, Neer Surukki, Mor Perukki"
I get fresh Cow's Milk here from a farm nearby. A milkman delivers fresh Cow's Milk 3 times a week and the amount of Milk is more than enough to supply with Fresh Cream & Butter for a month. I sometimes make Paneer/Chenna out of excess Milk. I convert a batch of Milk into Curd/Yogurt which is a must in the daily menu. I collect and store the thick Cream/Malai floating on top of the Milk in the refrigerator until a good amount is collected enough to beat it up into Butter, save some Butter for daily use and the remaining Butter, I melt it up into Ghee. Along with the Butter making process, I get a good amount of Buttermilk, which I use it up in various recipes or simply beat it up and make Sambharam/Neer Moru/Spiced Buttermilk.
Fresh & homemade supply from Cow Milk for family meticulously collected & prepared in a step by step method, totally made at home from scratch.
- Paneer - Curdle the Milk with an Acidic substance to make fresh Homemade Paneer.
- Whey Water - A byproduct got while making Paneer/Chenna. The Whey Water is the watery residue separated from curdled milk in the process of making paneer/cheese.
- Fresh Cream - The Collected Cream from fresh milk can be whisked to make fresh Cream.
- Curd - Converting the Milk into Curd.
- Buttermilk - I get a good supply of Buttermilk as a byproduct while making Butter at home.
- Butter - Boil the Milk, cool it down, collect the Cream & Store it in Freezer until a whole lot is collected to make homemade Butter.
- Ghee/Clarified Butter - Can use the homemade/Store-bought Butter, heat it, melt it & convert it into Ghee/Clarified Butter.
Let's See in detail, How to make each of these dairy products from fresh Milk
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For a detailed Recipe on HOW TO MAKE PANEER/CHENNA, Click here...
Paneer/Chenna is commonly called as cottage cheese. It is an Indian cheese made by coagulating the milk by adding an acidic agent to milk. It is not a fermented or cured product like other cheeses. The Paneer/Cottage Cheese can be used for making a variety of dishes, curries, desserts and sweets. Follow these simple steps and you have fresh Home-made Paneers within no time. All the more you just need only TWO INGREDIENTS to make Paneer. Full Cream Milk and an Acidic base to curdle the milk. It has a uniqueness which adds a richness and taste to the dish it is added into. The versatility of PANEER/CHENNA a must-have in my pantry. It can be added into various Curries, Stir-fries, Parathas and can be converting into delectable desserts. A little bit of time and patience is what we need to make this. And all the more, homemade paneers are hygienic, unprocessed and cheap too.
For more Recipes with PANEER/CHENNA, Click here...
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A byproduct got while making Paneer/Chenna. When we make Cheese/ Paneer at home or sometimes when milk curdles, we get a lot of whey water. Mostly we throw the whey water down the drain. WHEY WATER is the watery residue separated from curdled milk in the process of making cheese. Whey Water was considered as “healing water” by Greek physicians. It is one of the therapeutic traditional food and loaded with health benefits. It has got powerful healing potential. And it is considered to be highly nutritious.
To read more about the USES & BENEFITS OF WHEY WATER, Click here...
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For a detailed Recipe on HOW TO MAKE CURD/YOGURT, Click here...
Simple Tips & Tricks to make fresh Homemade Curd/Yogurt. Milk, Starter and few simple tips can help you get perfect Curd/Yogurt at home. Curd is a useful ingredient loaded with probiotics, digestive agents and also has a cooling effect on the body. Several recipes even call for Curd/Yogurt as the main ingredient.
For more Recipes with CURD/YOGURT, Click here...
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For a detailed Recipe on HOW TO MAKE BUTTERMILK, Click here...
Buttermilk in Indian terms is the thin milky substitute we get after removing Butter from the Milk/Cream/Curd. But in terms of Cuisine, it is cultured buttermilk. I have given simple tips & tricks and various methods to make Buttermilk at home. It can be converted into true Buttermilk by simply adding acidic substances like Lemon Juice/Vinegar for instant Buttermilk, which would work best for baking or making pancakes. But the real taste, flavour and nutritional value is enhanced only if it is converted into a Buttermilk using cultured Curd/Yogurt/Cultured Buttermilk/Sour Cream etc.,
Buttermilk is a versatile ingredient and is used in various dishes for its taste & flavour. Also, it helps to activate the Baking Soda/Soda-bi-carbonate while baking. Buttermilk is one best drink to beat the Summer heat. The very nature of Buttermilk along with its probiotics soothes your stomach and also helps to cut down the body heat.
For more Recipes with BUTTERMILK, Click here...
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For a detailed Recipe on HOW TO MAKE BUTTER, Click here...
Butter can be prepared by churning Fresh Cream or Yogurt/Curd. Butter can be prepared from a thick layer of cream from Curd or just collect the heavy sheet of cream from milk which floats over it. Collect it in a bottle, close the lid tightly and store it in the freezer until use. When there is enough Cream maybe around three to four cups then we can go ahead with the process of making Butter. Thaw the cream before the process.
The options and uses with this home-made Butter is vast enough. But the highlight of homemade butter is that it has no additives, preservatives or colouring agents. The freshness and the wonderful aroma of Butter is an added advantage in homemade Butter.
For more Recipes with BUTTER, Click here...
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For a detailed Recipe on HOW TO MAKE GHEE, Click here...
Ghee - The Essence of Milk, the most refined and purest form of Milk. Ghee is said to be the purest form of Milk because the amount of impurities in Milk is removed throughout the process at every stage until the purest refined Ghee is acquired.
For more Recipes with GHEE, Click here...
I have tried to compile a few of the Dairy Products which I regularly make at home. This is a daily process at home and it starts right from the time I boil the Milk which gives me a good & regular supply of all the above Dairy Products. A bit of patience and time is what it requires to make quality products without any preservatives and additives for our family. So give a try... And enjoying serving good food to your family.